Jimmy Lustig is an active philanthropist. He and his wife created the Lustig Family Foundation.

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What Is A Philanthropist Jimmy Lustig

What is a Philanthropist?

The word “philanthropist” is often mentioned when discussing people of considerable wealth. For instance, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet are well-known philanthropists. But what if you’re not a millionaire? Can you still become a philanthropist? The answer is yes!


What is a Philanthropist?


A philanthropist is a person who works to create a better world. They do this work in a number of ways. Perhaps they donate money to a charity or a cause, or they might use their talent, time, or skills to help make the world a better place and improve society as a whole.


In short, philanthropists have a desire to help others and solve world problems. It’s more about the person’s character than it is about how much money is in their bank account.


Most people think in order to become a philanthropist, you must have millions of dollars in the bank. But anyone, no matter their net worth, can participate in philanthropic activities.


Ways to Become a Philanthropist


You don’t need a lot of money to become a philanthropist. Having money doesn’t hurt, but it’s not a necessity. Instead of donating money, you can use your talent, time, or skills to impact the world positively.


For instance, you can serve food to the homeless, volunteer at a shelter for battered women and children, or tutor at-risk teens. And there’s also evidence that philanthropy also helps the person doing the giving. For example, it can help you learn to do good things without expecting anything in return. And if you’re an entrepreneur, philanthropy can benefit your business by helping you learn to think more creatively.


And if you do have money to share, several charitable organizations can use your help. Just remember to research first, and make sure you’re donating to a legitimate charity and a worthy cause. But remember, money isn’t a deciding factor in who qualifies as a philanthropist. Mother Teresa was a famous philanthropist who positively affected many lives, but she was far from a millionaire.


Most philanthropists aren’t famous or millionaires. They’re everyday people who just want to make the world a better place for everyone.

The Importance Of Giving Back During A Pandemic

The Importance of Giving Back During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we socialize, communicate, work, and live. As humans, we feel more fulfilled when we are caring for those in need. Giving back to society can be beneficial to your health; it helps reduce stress levels and make you feel happier. Helping others, especially during this pandemic, is essential as we try to unify communities to fight against the epidemic together. With everything currently on pause, you may be wondering how to help those in need. Here is a list of how you can give back to the community and make a real difference:


Stay in touch with friends and family

Stay connected with people in your inner circle. Find out what they have been up to, how they are doing, and determine if they’re prone to stress and anxiety. Take some time to video call your sister, send your friend a message, and regularly call your parents. Keeping in touch will help everyone reduce stress and feel loved during these uncertain times.


Donate money to non-profit organizations

Many non-profit organizations are currently struggling to make ends meet, especially with the current economic instability and fundraising events canceled due to social distancing measures. Many charity organizations are adjusting to the unprecedented demands in the different areas they serve. If you have more than enough, donate some to charity organizations of your choice. Besides financial donations, you can also grant other things such as blood, clothes, and foodstuff. If you were recently infected with the coronavirus and made a recovery, donate blood to research centers to help scientists find a vaccine.


Support local business and restaurants

By now, many businesses have closed down due to stay-at-home and lock-down orders. There are so many businesses and restaurants in your area owned by people from your community and are struggling with revenues and sales. Consider buying take-out from your favorite local restaurant at least once per week.


Share a message of hope

Take an afternoon off and leave little notes around your neighborhood with messages of inspiration and hope. Write encouraging words on the sidewalk and put up inspirational flyers. You can also use social media to send thank your notes to front-line workers.

How To Research Charities

How to Research Charities

The donation process has come a long way from the traditional cold-calling and pen-and-paper methods of yesteryear. Sites like PayPal, GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and similar crowdfunding platforms have simplified charity organizations to just a few clicks and keystrokes. Consequently, charities are seeing greater increases in donations than ever before. 2018 alone reported a whopping $31 billion in online donations.


However, despite the convenience of online donations, the risk of accidentally donating to a fraudulent charity has largely stayed the same. But instead of printing fake fliers or spoofing phone numbers, fraudulent charities are developing fake donation pages. This risk requires that donors continue to research charities before they donate their money to them just as they did in the past. You can research a charity organization in several ways:


Check how often the charity appears in your favorite search engine’s results.


Charities that have little to no mention on websites other than their own should raise some red flags. While this can sometimes happen to a legitimate charity with a newer website, it can also suggest that the charity is not as active as it claims to be. That lack of activity can be an important indicator of fraud.


Besides Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and other social media networks are another great way to check out what people other than the charity itself are saying about the charity you’re interested in.


Use third-party evaluation and rating sites.


Third-party evaluation sites provide donors with impartial information about charity organizations. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends BBC Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, and GuideStar to start.


Use the IRS’ Tax Exempt Organization Search.


Charity organizations that are on this list are more likely to be legitimate than charities that are not. Additionally, contributions to charities on this list can be deducted from your taxes when you itemize your donations.


Beware of solicitations online, over the phone, and through direct mail.


Charity organizations that solicit you by these means of communication often try to rush or pressure you to donate. This kind of behavior is the hallmark of scammers. Legitimate charities give a potential donor ample time to research their organization to decide whether their mission is right for that donor. 

Jimmy Lustig Giving Back On A Budget

Giving Back On A Budget

While it’s admirable to want to donate to groups of people in need, sometimes it’s just not within our budget. Depending on your situation, you could be in a lot of debt due to school, or maybe you have a family you must support. Whatever it is, you, unfortunately, don’t know how to give back to those in more need than yourself. You’d be surprised, but many people have managed to find new ways to give back to their community without having to break the bank. If you’re on a budget but want to give back to your community, read on.

Donate Used Goods

Donations don’t always have to be in the form of money. If you’re like most people, chances are you have older and slightly used clothing and other items that you don’t use any longer just sitting in storage somewhere. If you’re truly never going to use these items, you should donate them! Most organizations are happy to take nonfinancial donations such as nonperishable food items, clothing, old toys, and much more. This is a great way to give back while also freeing up some of your own space by getting rid of things that are just hiding in a closet somewhere anyway.


If you can’t volunteer your money, volunteer your time! Most nonprofit organizations need help with their daily operations or when they’re throwing events and the like, so see if you can help out in that department. You can often find opportunities in schools, hospitals, food pantries, libraries, and much more. Think about things you care about and where volunteering would mean the most for you, and look up groups in your area on the internet that work toward those causes. You can even volunteer by asking neighbors if they need help to mow their grass or doing their grocery shopping.

Purchase Wisely

You have a lot of power over how you spend your money and the way you use that power can actually be a way of giving back. For example, you can give back to your community by purchasing from local businesses. This is an especially great way to give back after events such as natural disasters. If you’re going to be making purchases from bigger corporations, try to buy from the ones that do a one-for-one business model where they will donate something based on every sale they make. This encourages sales and helps a good cause.

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Philanthropy Spotlight: Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders(DWB) is an amazing organization that primarily focuses on providing care to those who need it most. In the late spring of 1968, a group of young doctors traveled to help victims of major diseases and wars. They invented a new brand of humanitarianism that had the potential to reinvent the concept of emergency aid. They became Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), known internationally as Doctors Without Borders.

MSF was officially founded on December 22, 1971. 300 volunteers made up the organization: doctors, nurses, and other staff, including the 13 founding doctors and a plethora of journalists. According to the official Doctors Without Borders Website,

MSF was created on the “belief that all people have the right to medical care regardless of gender, race, religion, creed, or political affiliation and that the needs of these people outweigh respect for national boundaries.”

After the french revolt of ’68 burst onto tv screens, the french pubic soon saw terrifying images that would set a new tone to empathy. They saw thousands of kids all over the world struggling from hunger and disease. In Nigeria, the southern region called Biafra seceded from the country. The Nigerian army surrounded the section, and the Biafran people were soon decimated by hunger. The Red Cross pleaded for assistance and help. The MSF realized that need was bigger than their neighbors or their country.

MSF’s first mission was to the Nicaraguan capital of Managua in 1971, when an earthquake decimated most of the city and killed between an estimated 10,000 and 30,000 people. In these first few missions, the weak points of MSF were soon realized. Members were going over without readily available support, and supply chains were fractured. The telltale signs were there; the movement was beginning to break. Soon it was hard to distinguish the MSF as a group of medical professionals or as a group of guerilla doctors. 

From this point, the new realist leadership of MSF would transform MSF into the professional organization it is today. Through various leaders and growing mains, the MSF has become a fantastic organization known as Doctors Without Borders. 

Mutual Aid Jimmy Lustig

Mutual Aid

Often times, philanthropy is synonymous with charity. Those who are able to contribute will typically donate money to a cause, which usually takes the form of a non-profit organization. Did you know, however, that there are other ways to get involved that deviate from this framework? This is where mutual aid comes in. 

Mutual aid puts power in the hands of the people. In times of need, communities take on the responsibility for caring for one another rather than requiring individuals to fend for themselves. This form of organization is volunteer-run, transparent, and driven by the needs of the community members. Mutual aid is a symbiotic relationship where all people offer material goods or assistance to one another.

It’s important to distinguish mutual aid from charity. Under charity, a centralized organization serves as an intermediary between the giving and receiving parties where the recipient is often dependent on a relationship negotiating their access to access to resources. Many charities are funded in part by grants, which, in a sense is money with conditions attached. This money, often coming from wealthy individuals or corporations, comes with the intention to address social problems and serve the needy. As a result, however, it is these same entities that decide what strategies should be funded. 

While both charity and mutual aid seek to provide help to those that need it, key differences lie in the underlying structure of both frameworks. Mutual aid builds solidarity by allowing people to work together and participate in shared political education programming. By creating a space where people can come together based on shared need and work closely with those whose experiences differ from their own, mutual aid helps to cultivate solidarity. 

Collective care has existed throughout the history of humanity, but in modern times, this is a radical act. Most recently amid America’s climate of political unrest and the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen examples of mutual aid in action. Mutual aid funds have been circulating to secure donations and redistribute that money to populations made vulnerable by the economic closures resulting from COVID-19. Communities have organized aid groups by collecting and distributing supplies to at-risk populations such as the homeless and minority communities. As one organizer says, “What we need people to understand is that direct outreach and mutual aid is going to keep you safe.” 

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3 Ways To Give

Giving back is an incredibly important part of society. As far back as the first dated interactions between human beings, helping and giving has been woven into the DNA of who we are. Even animals as majestic as an elephant, or bugs as small as ants work together to better impact the greater collective. With so many ways to give, there can be an insurmountable pressure to give everything away. Or the whole situation can be so overwhelming; we’re not sure what to do. It all starts merely with sowing seeds of kindness, from there giving sprouts.

Make A Stranger’s Day

Sometimes the most simple gestures can make a huge difference in your day. Someone cutting you off in traffic can set you on edge for the rest of the day. In contrast, something as simple as holding the door for someone, helping them carry heavy bags, or spotting someone’s coffee. When you can, take the extra step to improve someone’s day.  

Community Involvement

Community involvement is a beautiful way to give back. Most communities and neighborhoods have a variety of ways to get involved in serving the community. You can act as a mentor at a school, program, or Boys and Girls club. You can get together a team of people to help clean up areas that are littered with trash. Many individuals will volunteer at events or activities around holidays or celebrations. 

Pass It On

The argument for whether helping others is a biological default or learned behavior still confuses sociologists and psychologists alike. Teaching others, especially the next generation, is an ideal way to give in a way that affects society long-term, 

Giving is a natural way to better improve the world around us. Change begins with kindness, and kindness starts with you.

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Random Acts of Kindness

It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of our everyday lives. The reality of western culture is that we are busy. We wake up and rush to go through our routine and yearn for some rest. We want to help the community and want to be generous, but how can we build in the time. When we do make the time, we fit our philanthropist nature into time slots of volunteering. Which is not wrong, but what if it could be much simpler than that. What if helping others was as simple as smiling? 


Participating in random acts of kindness is a beautiful and straightforward way to help other people. It starts as a practice that quickly can grow into habits that will undoubtedly evolve into a lifestyle. Check out some simple and beautiful ways we can spread kindness.


The Things We Show

The human brain is a beautiful and magnificent system. From the minute we wake up, we are continually taking in stimuli and processing it. When we see our fellow human beings, on both a subconscious and unconscious level, we are taking in the way they present themselves. 55% of all communication is done through expression and body language, while 38% of communication is processed through tone. When interacting with other people, try to alter the way you present yourselves. A smile can truly make the world of change. Try relaxing your body more and offering a more open and empathetic way of interacting.


The Things We Give

Giving to other people doesn’t have to be in huge checks or hours of volunteering. It can start with the little things we do. Pay for someone’s meal or coffee. Hold the door open. Ask how people are and give them your full attention. Help support your friends and family in the ways they need to be supported. The smallest intentional acts can make the most significant impact.


The Things We Say

When you see beauty, speak into it.

Don’t be afraid to compliment people. When you see something that looks cool, is notable, or makes you smile, point it out. This rule applies to family, friends, coworkers, strangers, anybody! Don’t be afraid to reach out and speak life into other people’s days. 


Random acts of kindness are simple ways of spreading joy and helping other people. It starts with you and ends in goodness. 

Picking The Right Philanthropy For Your Business James Lustig

Picking the Right Philanthropy to Support as a Business

Choosing a philanthropy to support as a business is different than choosing one to support as an individual. While there are a few things to consider prior to choosing a philanthropy, similar values are the most important. Especially if the business is asking its customers to be involved, it is important to make sure that the business is giving to a philanthropy that matches the business at some basic levels.


For instance, a business that focuses on the educational needs of children could easily partner with a philanthropy that builds schools in third world countries. This would be a perfect fit because the business customers and employees would already be tied to the educational process. On the other hand, if the business chose a philanthropy that helps addicts recover, it could be a difficult partnership because there are no similarities between the two. Here are three other things to take into account when choosing philanthropy for a business to support.


  1. The Timeline of Impact


True impact in philanthropic terms takes time, but short-term wins are important also. Hosting a service activity for customers and employees at a local non-profit is an example of a short-term win that could turn into a long-term impact. The key is to be in it for the long-term but to celebrate short-term wins along the way.


  1. The Type of Impact


It is important to explore this topic with honesty from a personal and business perspective. If a company wants to explore philanthropic endeavors primarily to help the business and create positive publicity, that is ok and even encouraged. On the other hand, if the business decides to pursue philanthropy for the sake of helping a non-profit, it will be a more difficult and more worthwhile thing.


  1. How a Philanthropic Partner Should Look


It is vital for a business to find the right partner. This goes deeper than the above mentioned “similar values” concept. Businesses that operate on a for-profit basis often have different definitions of success than their nonprofit brethren. A for-profit business is results-oriented and can only succeed if they produce a good product. A nonprofit business, on the other hand, can operate without ever producing a product or reaching a goal as long as it continues to raise funds. It is important for a business to partner with a nonprofit that shares its values or frustration will set in.


Philanthropy Trends To Expect In 2020 James Lustig

Philanthropy Trends to Expect in 2020

Philanthropy is a never-ending endeavor that is designed to promote community well-being and solve problems within a society. Many nonprofit organizations and businesses use philanthropy to change lives and to improve social conditions. The process of philanthropy is always evolving. Every year new trends emerge that help to make the act of philanthropy a more practical and effective activity. The following trends for philanthropy in 2020 will be presented here.


Donors Will Have a More Personal Impact with Giving

Forbes stated that donors want to know that their contributions are making a difference. The amount of money that a donor gives to a cause doesn’t make a difference. Large corporations that give millions want their voice to be heard and so does the average person who only gives a few dollars. They want to tell their story or have input into the best way to change a negative social situation. Nonprofits will have to provide their donors with a platform that will allow them to be heard by everyone.


Nonprofits are Going to Team Up with Third Party Organizations to Reach Donors

Another philanthropy trend that will be present in 2020 has to do with third party donations. According to Nonprofit Tech for Good, third party businesses will be utilized for reaching more donors. Third party businesses used for this purpose will include streaming services, video sites, various mobile applications and through various service orientated enterprises.


Nonprofit Platforms for Building Communities and Keeping Donors

Nonprofit organizations are constantly expanding on mobile platforms for building donor communities. Mobile devices, computers and various forms of electronics are being integrated into an interconnected scheme to keep donors aware a cause. Nonprofit platforms will utilize applications, websites, blogs, social media and mobile advertising to provide donors with information, donation opportunities and updates about issues.


Text Donations will Increase

Donors are going to be giving more money through text messages. This is important because text message giving is easy to perform, and people generally pay attention to what is being sent to their phones. This method of giving will increase throughout 2020 and beyond.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence will be used for more philanthropy efforts in 2020. This means that donors will be able to give more giving to their causes with less efforts. They can simply tell their smartphones to give a donation and an AI program will perform this task. Donors will continue to stay more involved with a cause.

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